Sunday, March 2, 2014


So, today I was watchin Rudolf bakery on 24kitchen and he was making marble cake with riccota cheese.. it looked so good and yummy I had to try to make my own. Ofcourse, as always, I didn't have all the ingrediants he use and the store was already closed so I made my own version of it. So here is the recipe : 

170 g spelled flour
4 g baking powder
50 g ground cocoa
2 eggs 
90 g soft butter
50 g coconut butter
plug of rum
70 g ground sugar
22 g Stevia sugar 

First you mix butter with sugar, eggs and rum. After getting a creamy texture you add flour (you put cocoa and baking powder in a flour before adding to creamy mixture of eggs, sugar and rum). You mix all together. 

170 g spelled flour
4 g baking powder
2 eggs 
90 g soft butter
50 g cocout butter
plug of rum
70 g ground sugar
22 g Stevia sugar 
1 spoon Vanilla extract

First you mix butter with sugar, eggs, rum and vanilla extract. After getting a creamy texture you add flour (you put baking powder in a flour before adding to creamy mixture of eggs, sugar and rum). You mix all together. 

500g light curd
1 egg
15 g Stevia sugar 

You mix all together until you get a creamy texture. 

You take a round model for a cake and first put in a dark dough, then white dough and on the top you put stuffing. Afterward you take a for and mix so the stuffing is not on the top but goes inside a marble. 

You put it in the owen and bake for 60 minutes on 180 Celsius. 

Bon apetit ;) 

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